Affordable Solar Options

Solar power is more affordable now, than ever before! With the costs of modules and equipment dropping and current rebates and incentives that can often cut project costs in half, PV (solar) is truly more affordable than ever! Plus with current financing options it can be easy too. All of this help's GreenBearSOLAR's designers to maximize the financial return on your solar investment! Because renewable energy systems offset the higher costs of “tiered” rates, you may even realize a net savings per month almost immediately, by having a monthly loan payment close too or even lower than your previous electric bill. Now you will be able to control what you pay in the future. Finally the power is in your hands. Call us today to learn how affordable solar can be and what savings you should expect, based on your home or business.

Rebates and Tax Credits

There are California and federal incentives available to help pay for the cost of installing renewable energy systems. Our Solar Estimators take most of these incentives into account, and as part of your Estimate we offer links to Internet resources that explain the incentives in more detail. And, of course, GreenBear Solar professionals are well-versed in rebates, tax incentives, Renewable Energy Credits (REC or SREC), and project financing -- all important aspects of your solar energy strategy.


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